Monday, November 23, 2009

Gwen Thompson Issue 5!

Hi guys! 2 MORE DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!!!!! YAY! My favorite because my favorite holiday is CHRISTMAS! What's yours? Okay, we have two questions today. First we have Felicity Merriman. Her question was: Do you post every week or every other day? Because I'm not sure." Well, Felicity, it depends. I could do it on every Monday and Friday, every week, or every other day, it's your choice. Alright now we have a question from Julie Albright, well maybe a few: 1. What age would you like to stay at and why? I would like to stay in 4 grade because it's so much fun and I'll never have to change schools, while Roxy[my mommy] has to because she's in 5 grade, just like Julie. Sorry I haven't been on for awhile, I've been a little busy planning on what to do with my new sister. Yep, you heard me right! I have a new little sister. Rebecca Nicki Rubin! I'm so excited! She's in 3rd grade! Next Spring after Roxy's birthday and before Julie's B-DAY we're going down to the AG store in Minneapolis since we live 20 minutes away from Mall of America, we're getting another sister or two! Or, after Xmas, we'll beg our grandma[Roxy's mom of course] to go down to AG [if we have enough money from Christmas] to go buy Sonali before she's gone. Next spring we're getting GOTY 2010 Lanie Holland. We know what she looks like and she's the most beautiful doll so far that we've seen. I wish we could post a picture of her but we can't. Sorry:[ So Lanie will be in 4th grade[my class:l] and Sonali would be in my class, and if Roxy can buy two girls in the Springtime she would also get JLY number 28 who looks like my best friend... Chrissa, but her name will be Kelsi Maxwell. She's very popular I'll tell you that! Our poll this time will be : Witch doll would you choose if you could buy another one? A/ A JLY doll? B/Historical? C/Bittybaby? D/ Bitty Twins? E/Or GOTY? If Historical or GOTY, witch one? Today we have Rebecca here with us. Hey Becca! Hi Gwen, so how is everyone? Oh, they seem good as far as I know of. Right. So as most of you know I'm new to the AG family. Yep, I told them already. So, what's your favorite color? Pink! Just like our cousin Chrissa! Yep, that's for sure [laughs] she's CRAZY for pink I tell you![laughs to hard] Do you need some water sis? No. JULIE! GET MISS RUBIN SOME WATER! You can't boss me around today, Kit's over, and remeber our rule! What rule? Never boss anyone around when they have a guest over! Becca, did you want a glass of water? No thanks Jules. Alright, sassy pants, get out of our shot your not the star! OK, Becca, sorry for that, OH! The camera's still on! Sorry guys! So Becca, who do you like more? Julie or MOI! Oh, well, that's a hard one. I would have to say Jules. She doesn't beat with a baseball bat OR her soccer ball like you do. So, KIT! GET YOUR BASEBALL BAT AWAY FROM GWEN! Don't make me hurt you Gwen! I'm older and sronger than you! Right.... HEHE! Here. Alright so we were all telling the truth here. How fun. OK, I'll tell you the key "colors". Blue means Gwen is talking. Pink means Rebecca is talking. Light blue means Julie is talking. Green means Kit is talking. Red means me, Roxy is talking. Thank you for watching[reading] and have a nice day. BYE! BYE!BYE!PEACE....OUT!

Kit,Jules,Becca,Gwen,Roxy,Sammie[who brought Kit over and since she's over she says BYE!]