Monday, November 23, 2009

Gwen Thompson Issue 5!

Hi guys! 2 MORE DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!!!!! YAY! My favorite because my favorite holiday is CHRISTMAS! What's yours? Okay, we have two questions today. First we have Felicity Merriman. Her question was: Do you post every week or every other day? Because I'm not sure." Well, Felicity, it depends. I could do it on every Monday and Friday, every week, or every other day, it's your choice. Alright now we have a question from Julie Albright, well maybe a few: 1. What age would you like to stay at and why? I would like to stay in 4 grade because it's so much fun and I'll never have to change schools, while Roxy[my mommy] has to because she's in 5 grade, just like Julie. Sorry I haven't been on for awhile, I've been a little busy planning on what to do with my new sister. Yep, you heard me right! I have a new little sister. Rebecca Nicki Rubin! I'm so excited! She's in 3rd grade! Next Spring after Roxy's birthday and before Julie's B-DAY we're going down to the AG store in Minneapolis since we live 20 minutes away from Mall of America, we're getting another sister or two! Or, after Xmas, we'll beg our grandma[Roxy's mom of course] to go down to AG [if we have enough money from Christmas] to go buy Sonali before she's gone. Next spring we're getting GOTY 2010 Lanie Holland. We know what she looks like and she's the most beautiful doll so far that we've seen. I wish we could post a picture of her but we can't. Sorry:[ So Lanie will be in 4th grade[my class:l] and Sonali would be in my class, and if Roxy can buy two girls in the Springtime she would also get JLY number 28 who looks like my best friend... Chrissa, but her name will be Kelsi Maxwell. She's very popular I'll tell you that! Our poll this time will be : Witch doll would you choose if you could buy another one? A/ A JLY doll? B/Historical? C/Bittybaby? D/ Bitty Twins? E/Or GOTY? If Historical or GOTY, witch one? Today we have Rebecca here with us. Hey Becca! Hi Gwen, so how is everyone? Oh, they seem good as far as I know of. Right. So as most of you know I'm new to the AG family. Yep, I told them already. So, what's your favorite color? Pink! Just like our cousin Chrissa! Yep, that's for sure [laughs] she's CRAZY for pink I tell you![laughs to hard] Do you need some water sis? No. JULIE! GET MISS RUBIN SOME WATER! You can't boss me around today, Kit's over, and remeber our rule! What rule? Never boss anyone around when they have a guest over! Becca, did you want a glass of water? No thanks Jules. Alright, sassy pants, get out of our shot your not the star! OK, Becca, sorry for that, OH! The camera's still on! Sorry guys! So Becca, who do you like more? Julie or MOI! Oh, well, that's a hard one. I would have to say Jules. She doesn't beat with a baseball bat OR her soccer ball like you do. So, KIT! GET YOUR BASEBALL BAT AWAY FROM GWEN! Don't make me hurt you Gwen! I'm older and sronger than you! Right.... HEHE! Here. Alright so we were all telling the truth here. How fun. OK, I'll tell you the key "colors". Blue means Gwen is talking. Pink means Rebecca is talking. Light blue means Julie is talking. Green means Kit is talking. Red means me, Roxy is talking. Thank you for watching[reading] and have a nice day. BYE! BYE!BYE!PEACE....OUT!

Kit,Jules,Becca,Gwen,Roxy,Sammie[who brought Kit over and since she's over she says BYE!]

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Gwen Thompson Issue 4! And Saying of all of our AG stuff!

Hi everyone! It's Gwen here! So, most of you know our order. First we answer questions. We have two today. First, we have Megan. She asked: What is your dream job for when your older and why? Well, my answer to that is..... A FOOTBALL PLAYER!!!! A football player because I LOVE football, Julie would be a Basketball player, and Roxy would be a Baseball player. Chrissa: An olympic swimmer, Samantha: A vet, Kit: A reporter [she got a kids job for that], Hayleyee: An actress[she is one, kind of]. So, next we have someone from Roxy's school who doesn't want their name said for private reasons. The question is: Can we ask more then 1 question? Well, yes, of course! Now our answers to our pole. We'll start with our top 4, that's how it will be for now on. 1.Starburst.2.Nutmeg 3. Sugar 4. Felicity's Lamb. All right, next we're going to tell you the next pole for next week. Oh, by the way, we're posting early because we didn't have a lot for our last post so we're doing it this week, again. Next pole: Who's your favorite girl of the year[including friends]? Your choices just in case if you don't know and you wanna go on American Girl and learn about them. 1.Lindsey Bergman 2. Kailey Hopkins 3. Jess McConnell 4. Marisol Luna 5. Nicki Flemming 6. Mia St.Clair 7. Chrissa Maxwell 8. Gwen Thompson.... ME! 9. Sonali Matthews. Now, I announced last week that we'll have two people today, but it turns out, Samantha just got the h1n1 so she's not here, but she's fine. Hayleyee is here though. Since she doesn't have any questions from anyone, I'll ask questions. So, Hayleyee, what's your favorite color?"Brown." Alright, who's your best friend?" Mia and Samantha." Okay, favorite food?"Taco's" Favorite couison?" Julie, of course!" HEY!!!!!! Okay, favorite singer?''Demi Lovato. Same with actress." Okay, so that's it for today. Bye Hayleyee. Alright, now we are saying my sisters/couisons names and stuff we have.
Julie Albright:
Meet Outfit, Casual outfit, Softball set, Skateboard outfit, Heart dress, Rebecca's school outfit, Her Calico dress, Her bike, Nutmeg, Felicity's riding outfit, Silver glasses, Heeleys, Kaya mini doll, Rebecca mini doll.
Gwen Thompson... ME:
Meet outfit,Sparkly plum outfit&accessories, Bowling team set, Photographer outfit, Coconut, Rebecca's robe and slippers, Chrissa's pajamas, Felicity mini doll, Kit mini doll.
Hayleyee Larson:
almost every Our Generation outfit, OG dog Yorkie, Snowboard outfit and accessories, Meet outfit, Kirsten's baking outfit,
Kit Kittredge:
meet outfit, Her holiday dress, Her winter coat, Her birthday dress, Her sailor pajamas, Her
night table, Her bedtime extras, Her dog Grace, Grace's scooter thing, Her work boots&overalls, Her play outfit, Her school skirt set[the pink one], the blue school dress.
Samantha Parkington:
Her dog Jip, her Pajamas, Her holiday dress, her meet outfit, Her bike, Her bed, everything else.
Chrissa Maxwell:
Meet outfit,School days outfit, Starburst,Snowy chic outfit, Her snow gear, Her snow outfit, Her sundress, Her craft table, Her Swimsuit.
All: Sporty scooter, Kit's cookstove, Julie's birthday gooties, Julie's lunchbox, Kit's lunchbox.
Well, that's that. My grandma[ Roxy's mom] is about to be a godmother so we have to get into the car, even though JULIE is still sleeping, she's been sleeping ALL DAY! So, bye!
-Gwen Thompson, Mia St.Clair, Julie sleeping, Honey, every other animal.
[we will tell you Mia's stuff next week].

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Gwen Thompson Issue 3

Hi everyone! It's Gwen Thompson here! So, first we have some buisness to take care of. First, our answers to our pole. I didn't get any from you, our viewers so I asked my class and people at my school who like American Girl, witch historical was their favorite. I got Josephina, with that, I got 20 Josephina answers! I mean, wow, a lot people like the ones who have friends. The second person was Molly, then Addy. Next we have a question for me, not our guest. The question is from Julie Albright but not my sister, Julie, a diffrent Julie. She asked: If you could travel anywhere, where would it be, and why? Well, my answer to that would be Texas because I really love everything about it, or I would go to Tennessee. As you can tell, I'm just a country person, even though I was born in Minnesota. Next, we have our next pole. The pole is: Who's your favorite pet? Your choices are: Honey, Coconut, Licorice, Sugar, Ginger, Rebecca's kittens, Grace[Kit's dog], Bennett[Molly's dong], Yank[Emily's dog], Nutmeg[Julie's bunny], Kirsten's Cat and Kitten, Felicity's lamb, Felicity's horses, Kaya's animals, Starburst[Chrissa's Llama]. So, next we have Hayleyee Larson here, oh, wait, she's sick and I have a doctors oppointment so I better let you go, I will have Hayleyee and Samantha Parkington here next week. So, BYE!
-Gwen Thompson and my sisters, Julie Albright and Mia St.Clair.[also our new pet, HONEY!!!!!]

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Gwen News! Issue 2

Hey everyone! It's me, Gwen Thompson! First I'll answer my question from Felicity Merriman. Yes, besides Chrissa I'll be your best friend. Speaking of Chrissa, last week we had her come. This week we have Sonali Matthews! This week I will tell you who we will have next week come in so if you have any questions for them, you can ask and they can answer. Hayleyee Larson will come in next week. She is Our Generation, not American Girl but still very fun to play with and to hand around with. Before we talk with Sonali, we will talk about news. Mia came last week, but I think I mentioned that already in last weeks issue. My sister Julie got a bunny yesterday. Her name is Nutmeg. We have a new cousion, Kirsten Larson. She is pretty awesome but we're getting used to her still, same with Mia so Kirsten's not the only one. Julie is also reading the little house on the praire books. She's almost done with thos books and then she'll read Harry Potter. I'm reading The Sieries of Unfortunte Events. I'm on book number 4. Well here comes Sonali." Hi everyone!" Hey Sonali! Sorry, but you missed Chrissa when she came last week." Oh man! I haven't seen her since I left for ballet camp!" I know. So, we have a few questions from some kids on my bus. Let me turn on the radio and here is someone from Chicago." Hi. I'm Marisol Luna and I'm a huge fan of Gwen. By the way..... HI GWEN! So, whats your favorite color?" Hi Marisol and....WHY THANK-YOU!" Well hi Marisol. That's great that Gwen you. Well, my favorite color is Green. I absalutely ADORE green. So.... back to Gwen. Bye Marisol." Okay, thank-you Sonali. We have another person coming in from the United Kingdom" Hello. I'm Emily Bennett. I have a question on adivce also. Is that alright Gwen?" Yes, Emily, it's totally OK!" Okay so my question for Sonali is What is your favorite movie for American Girl?" Wow, Emily, cool question. On to you Sonali." Well, Emily, my favorite movie is Kit Kittredge: An American Girl.Back to Gwen." Thank-you. Now, Emily, what was that other question?" I'm a red head and people are making fun of me. What should I do?" Emily, I think red head is bueatiful but other people have other opinions but even if they do, they shouldn't make fun of people for it! Just try bto ignore them and tell an adult. I'm sorry this has been happenig to you, Emily." Thank-you Gwen and I'll try that. Well, bye Gwen." No problem Emily and bye! Well, everyone, it's time to go. Our pole for this week would be: Who is your favorite historical American Girl doll? 1. Molly 2. Kirsten 3.Josephina 4. Addy. Please reply and I'll tell you the answers next week. Just reply with the name, not the number. Well, bye everyone!" Bye-bye.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Gwen News! Issue 1

Hey everyone!
We have a new segment for me, Gwen Thompson! It's called: The Gwen News! Today we will talk about advice. There will be an advice section for now on. Well, we don't have any questions yet. We will have to save this talk until I get at least a few questions. Today we have a guest star........ CHRISSA MAXWELL! We have a few questions for her to answer today. The questions are from other American Girl Dolls. From Samantha Parkington:"Chrissa, what's your favorite color?" Interesting question, Samantha, why don't you answer that for us, best buddy!" Well, my favorite color would have to be... well, I have 3... Red, pink and blue.Oh, by the way, hey sis'!" Wow, how touching. Next we have something from Kit Kittredge, another one of your sisters!" Hi Chrissa. Besides Gwen and Sonali, who else is your best friend?" Chrissa? "Well, maybe Gwen's younger sister Mia, Mia St.Clair. Mia is in the 3rd grade, even though I'm in the 4th grade and never get to see her that much anymore, I really don't care!" Nice, and speaking of Mia....."Hi! So, I heard you were in the movie: The Haunting of Camp AG and you played Luna Lehr, who was your favorite character besides Luna?" OOOOOOOO! I played Bella McKenssly." Well, Mia, my favorite character out of Courtney, Jessica, Bella, Opal, and Anne, would have to be Bella!" Your not just saying that because I play her, are you?!" Of course not! Your not as smart as her, Gwen! Just kidding!" Yeah, you better be! Okay, next one is from your other sister, Hayleyee Larson!" Hey sis, I played Anne in The Haunting of Camp AG, but, what's your favorite TV show?" OOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Be quiet Gwen! My favrorite TV show is Electric Company." Okay, that is it for today, I'm sorry I have to leave so soon, but Roxy's throwing up and I need to go get a wet paper towel or something, so, bye!

Monday, October 19, 2009


Hey everyone! My name is Julie. Julie Albright. My mommy's name is Roxy. Sorry, I can't upload a picture of the family. My mom is not exactly a mom. She's young and I'm not saying her age. Me myself,I'm in 5 grade[same with Roxy, I'm a doll pretty much,] my mom loves American Girl dolls and I'm her first one too! I have 2 other sisters. Gwen Thompson, whose in 4 grade, and Mia St.Clair whose in 3 grade. Mia is on her way here right now. Mia was also the girl of the year for 2008. She's pretty as far as I know. She has red hair, she's an ice skater, she LOVES purple, she has green eyes, and freckles. From the pictures I've seen, she's super pretty. Gwen has sunny blonde hair, brown eyes, bangs, her favorite color is purple too, and she's one og the girl of the years for this year, along with Chrissa Maxwell, and Sonali Matthews. Our cousions are: Haleyee Larson, Kit Kittredge, Samantha Parkington, and Chrissa Maxwell. Roxy's best friend has those dolls too. Her name is Sammie and we don't know if we're sharing an account with her so I'll keep you guys updated. Kit and I are best friends, Gwen and Chrissa are best friends, Mia, Samantha and Haleyee are best friends. Oops, time to go to school! The bus is here. Gotta tell Gwen to hold the bus while Roxy get's ready for the bus to get here. Well, peae out guys!

- Julie Albright